
Troubleshooting Electric Golf Cart Stuttering: Common Causes and Solutions

Why Is My Electric Golf Cart Stuttering?

Electric golf cart Stutter has different reasons. The most common reason is the Power of the Battery. Battery reasons are rising in this case, when you are trying to accelerate or ridding uphill.
However, if you find your electric golf cart stuttering, it can be quite frustrating.

Electric Golf Cart stuttering occurs when the power of a battery or loss of the wiring. If this isn’t the situation, it’s crucial to examine the speed controllers, as they may also be a contributing factor to the problem.

To troubleshoot and fix, follow these steps:

  • Test each battery separately with a voltmeter. Ensure readings are around 9V (a bit less for 36V carts). Replace any underperforming batteries.
  • Inspect battery terminals and wires. Clean corroded terminals and check wire connections. Replace brittle wires.
  • Remove the seat to access the power-regulating solenoid. Start the engine and press the gas pedal.

What are some other common problems with electric golf carts?

  • Fast battery depletion: Common issue in electric golf carts. Occurs when batteries aren’t charged properly or when they’re old and need replacing.
  • Worn ignition machinery: Over time, the machinery behind the ignition wears out, leading to cart malfunction.
  • Damaged ignition switch: A damaged switch can prevent the cart from starting.
  • Motor blockage: A blocked motor can halt the cart’s operation.
  • Loose wiring: Causes various issues like stuttering, jerking, and stoppages.

Car Stuttering: How It Sounds?

Car stuttering can manifest as quick jerks or jolts, often with accompanying vibrations. It happens during acceleration, idling, or constant-speed driving. The sound results from various issues like fuel, air, or spark shortages during combustion, worn spark plugs, a clogged catalytic converter, motor blockages, or loose wiring. If you face any of these, consult a pro mechanic for diagnosis and repairs.

Troubleshooting And Fixes For Electric Golf Cart Stuttering

If your electric golf cart stutters, troubleshoot and fix it with these steps:

  1. Battery Check: Test each battery with a voltmeter. Ensure readings are about 9V (slightly lower for 36V carts). Replace any low batteries or corroded terminals. Fragile wires? Swap for new ones.
  2. Speed Controller: If not the battery, check the speed controllers.
  3. Ignition Machinery: Wears out over time, and stops the cart.
  4. Ignition Switch: Damaged switch halts the cart.
  5. Motor Check: A blocked motor stops the cart.
  6. Wiring Inspection: Loose wiring causes stuttering, jerking, and stops.

Turn off the cart and put it higher off the ground

Before work, turn off the car engine and raise it with levers or bricks at each corner. This’ll give access to components and check acceleration when necessary. Also, wear gloves and rubber boots when handling your golf cart.

Check Battery Separately

You can individually test each battery with a voltmeter and record their readings. All readings should be approximately 9V (slightly lower for 36V golf carts). If any battery falls below this threshold, replace it with a new one matching the current model. Inspect the wiring and terminals for any damage or corrosion. If you find corroded terminals, clean them by removing the deposits. Additionally, check the connections at the terminals for looseness. If the wires appear fragile and prone to breaking, replace them with new ones.

Look for any damages or corrosion in the wirings and terminals.

Damaged or corroded wiring and terminals can cause the cart to stutter, lose power, or not work at all. Look for any cuts, breaks, frayed wires, loose or damaged connections, or signs of corrosion, such as green or white build-up on the metal surfaces. If you find any damage or corrosion, repair or replace the affected wires or terminals. Use the correct type and size of wire and connectors when making repairs. If you are not comfortable repairing the wiring yourself, take the cart to a qualified mechanic.

Examine the solenoid and its temperature.

The solenoid functions as a switch regulating power flow to the motor. If it malfunctions or becomes too hot, it can lead to cart stuttering. To evaluate the solenoid, employ a multimeter to inspect continuity between the two small terminals. Absence of continuity indicates a faulty solenoid requiring replacement. You can also gauge the solenoid’s temperature using a temperature gun. Overheating likely indicates impending solenoid failure.

 Press on the accelerator and observe.

If the cart stumbles when you do, it’s probably an issue with the speed controller. The speed controller manages motor speed and torque, and a malfunction can lead to cart stuttering. To assess it, employ a multimeter to measure voltage at the input and output terminals. If the input voltage surpasses the output voltage, it indicates a faulty speed controller that requires replacement.

Go For A Mechanic

If your car or electric golf cart is exhibiting stuttering issues, it’s crucial to have it assessed and repaired by a certified mechanic. They possess the expertise to pinpoint the root cause of the problem and provide a thorough and effective repair.

Pro Tips To Prevent Car Stuttering, Stalling, Or Hesitation

By following these tips, you can help to prevent your car or electric golf cart from stuttering, stalling, or hesitating:

  • Regularly tune up your car or golf cart. This will help to identify and fix any potential problems before they cause the vehicle to run poorly.
  • Keep your car or golf cart well-maintained. This includes checking the fluids, replacing worn parts, and keeping the engine clean.
  • Use high-quality fuel and oil. Cheap fuel and oil can lead to engine problems, which can cause stuttering, stalling, or hesitation.
  • Drive smoothly. Avoid sudden acceleration and braking, as this can put stress on the engine and transmission.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid driving in heavy traffic or in extreme weather conditions.

How do I maintain my electric golf cart?

Maintaining an electric golf cart is vital for its longevity and performance. Here are some maintenance tips:

  1. Daily Battery Charging: Charge your cart’s batteries daily to ensure they’re always fully charged.
  2. Monitor Water Levels: Keep an eye on battery water levels. Top up with distilled water if necessary.
  3. Clean Batteries: Check and clean battery connections to remove dirt and corrosion.
  4. Check Tire Pressure: Inspect tire pressure weekly and inflate if needed to prevent wear.
  5. Brake Inspection: Examine brake pads, drums, and cables every few months and make adjustments as required.
  6. Lubricate Steering: Grease the steering wheel rack annually and ensure all bolts in the steering system are tight.
  7. Annual Professional Service: Schedule an annual service with a qualified technician.

Following these tips ensures your electric golf cart’s smooth operation for years.

How do I know if my golf cart battery needs to be replaced?

Here are signs your golf cart battery needs replacing:

  1. Slow Charging: Charging takes twice as long as before, indicating weakened batteries.
  2. Rapid Power Loss: Your cart loses power quickly, a sign of weak batteries.
  3. Sluggish Acceleration: Slower acceleration suggests weak batteries.
  4. Acid Leaks and Bulging: Leaking acid and bulging batteries need replacement.
  5. Corrosion and Wear: Corrosion, cracks, wear, or swelling signal the need for a new battery.

If you face these issues, consult a pro mechanic for diagnosis and fixes.

What is the average lifespan of an electric golf cart?

The average lifespan of an electric golf cart ranges from 20-40 years, depending on factors like maintenance and usage. Some experts suggest a shorter lifespan of 5-7 years. Proper maintenance can extend a golf cart’s life to 10-20 years, with the potential for up to 30 years with good care. Regular service and battery replacement as needed are essential for maximum longevity.


How often should I charge my electric golf cart’s batteries?

It’s best to charge your golf cart’s batteries after each use or at least every two weeks, even if you haven’t used it much.

Can I use a regular automotive battery charger for my golf cart?

No, it’s not recommended. Golf cart batteries require a specialized charger designed for their voltage and charging needs.

What should I do if my electric golf cart still stutters after troubleshooting?

If the issue persists, consult a professional technician who specializes in electric golf carts for a thorough inspection and repairs.

Are there any specific cleaning products I should use for my golf cart’s battery terminals?

You can use a mixture of baking soda and water to clean the terminals. Be sure to rinse and dry them thoroughly after cleaning.

How often should I have a professional check my electric golf cart?

An annual check-up is a good practice, but more frequent inspections are advisable if you use your golf cart extensively.

Why Does My Electric Golf Cart Surge?

There are a few possible reasons why your electric golf cart might be surging. One possibility is that the speed controller is not working properly. The speed controller is responsible for controlling the speed and torque of the motor, and if it is not working properly, it can cause the motor to surge. Another possibility is that the throttle cable is not adjusted properly. If the throttle cable is too loose, it can cause the motor to surge when you press the accelerator pedal.

How Do I Know If My Electric Golf Cart Motor Is Bad?

There are a few signs that can indicate that your electric golf cart motor is bad. One sign is if the motor is making unusual noises, such as a grinding or squealing noise. Another sign is if the motor is overheating. You can check the temperature of the motor with a temperature gun. If the temperature is above 150 degrees Fahrenheit, the motor is likely overheating and needs to be replaced.

Why Does My Golf Cart Hesitate When Accelerating?

Several potential factors could be causing your golf cart to experience acceleration hesitations. One potential reason could be low battery levels, as insufficient power from the batteries can lead to acceleration issues. Another potential culprit could be a malfunctioning solenoid, which regulates power flow to the motor and can result in acceleration hesitations when not functioning correctly.

What causes an electric golf cart to stutter?

One potential reason is the insufficient battery charge. Inadequately charged batteries can’t supply sufficient power to the motor, resulting in cart stuttering. Another factor might be faulty wiring or connections. Loose or corroded wiring and connections can lead to cart stuttering. Lastly, motor issues could also be the culprit. A damaged or worn-out motor can cause the cart to stutter.

How do I know if my solenoid is bad on my electric golf cart?

There are a few signs that can indicate that the solenoid on your electric golf cart is bad. One sign is if the cart will not go into forward or reverse. Another sign is if the cart makes a clicking noise when you press the accelerator pedal. Finally, you can also check the solenoid for continuity with a multimeter. If there is no continuity, the solenoid is bad and needs to be replaced.

How do I know if my electric golf cart motor is bad?

There are a few signs that can indicate that the motor on your electric golf cart is bad. One sign is if the motor makes unusual noises, such as a grinding or squealing noise. Another sign is if the motor is overheating. You can check the temperature of the motor with a temperature gun. If the temperature is above 150 degrees Fahrenheit, the motor is likely overheating and needs to be replaced.

How do I reset my electric golf cart motor?

To reset your electric golf cart motor, locate the reset button. This button is usually located on the motor itself or on the speed controller. Once you have located the reset button, press it and hold it for a few seconds. The motor should reset and the cart should be able to run again.

Will an electric golf cart run with a bad solenoid?

An electric golf cart will not run with a bad solenoid. The solenoid is responsible for connecting the battery to the motor, so if it is not working properly, the motor will not receive power.

What are the symptoms of a faulty solenoid?

The most common symptom of a faulty solenoid is that the cart will not start. Other symptoms include:
The cart stutters or hesitates when you press the accelerator.
The cart loses power or speed.
The solenoid clicks but the cart does not start.
The solenoid is hot to the touch.

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